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About us

Who we are

The Pancyprian Association of English Language Teachers (P.A.E.T.), affiliated to OELMEK, is the professional Association of English Language teachers employed in the public schools of Cyprus.

The Association was established in 1973 under the initiative of Mr Christos Psiloinis who served as the first chairman of the P.A.E.T. with Mr Costas Marcou serving as the first secretary of the Association. The next board, chaired by Mr Andreas Georgiades, included among others Alekos Shiantos, Costas Metaxas and Costas Marcou. The efforts of the P.A.E.T. targeted mainly issues related to the retirement schemes of English teachers employed in the public sector while concentrating on the goal ‘Equal Work, Equal Pay’.

For a period of years, and up till 1990, the Association became inactive when a new board was elected chaired by Mrs Stella Theocharous Konti and the Association rigorously pursued the in-service training of member teachers.

Presently, P.A.E.T. aims at improving the quality and effectiveness of English Language teaching mainly through promoting findings of relevant research which lead to an in-depth understanding of  language teaching and the learning process. Recognising the teachers’ rich expertise and being aware of their needs, the Association, also, aims at providing opportunities for professional development based on contemporary educational theories and innovative teaching ideas. As our work progresses and evolves through collective effort, as well as through sharing of knowledge and experiences, the Association hopes to set the ground for exchanging good practices.  For this reason P.A.E.T. ensures the provision of continuous professional development through organised conferences, seminars, presentations and workshops.

P.A.E.T. is administered by a Committee elected by the General Meeting of the members every three years. The Committee wishing to better manage and more effectively pursue its aims may form sub-committees.  


Member Benefits

All members are invited to:

  • make use of the FREE access to our online CyELT Journals
  • access useful links to educational websites and services
  • participate in our forum intended to enable communication with other educational professionals
  • use the “Teachers’ Corner” where colleagues SHARE OR PRESENTexamples of best practices
  • Participate in Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Demo-lessons, Theatrical Performances as announced on our site
  • to PROMOTE their students’ work produced through collaborative activities or projects

 Contact the committee members:

Eleni Challouma - Chair, τηλ. 99676345, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chrysanthi Nicodemou - Vice Chair

Maria Panteli - Secretary

Kassianos Kourris - Treasurer

           Stavrroulla Kapsoulou - Member

Vasiliki Hatzinicola - Member

Marilia Constantinidou - Member

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